prada replica bags 1BA349 2DKV F0002 V OOO SLF
Replica Designer Bags Leather Fake Prada mini bag Original price was: $2,990.00.Current price is: $240.00.Piece
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prada replica bags 1BA331 ZO6 F02TG V OOO SLF
Replica Designer Bags Small brushed Fake Prada bag leather tote Original price was: $2,574.00.Current price is: $206.00.Piece

Replica Designer Bags Small brushed Fake Prada bag leather tote

This small tote with a sleek, square design is made of brushed leather, an iconic material of the brand since the nineties and traditionally tied to the luxury world. The design, completed by the detachable leather shoulder strap, can be worn in several ways.

Original price was: $2,574.00.Current price is: $206.00.Piece

100 in stock

SKU: PRADA-1BA331_ZO6_F0934_V_OOO Tags: , ,
Brand: PRADA
Items available:100


Small brushed Fake Prada bag leather tote
This small tote with a sleek, square design is made of brushed leather, an iconic material of the brand since the nineties and traditionally tied to the luxury world. The design, completed by the detachable leather shoulder strap, can be worn in several ways.
Product code: 1BA331_ZO6_F0934_V_OOO
Leather handles–Detachable adjustable 110 cm leather shoulder strap
Metal hardware
Enameled metal triangle logo on the front
Fake Prada logo nylon lining with patch pocket
Height: 17cm
Width: 15cm
Width: 15cm
Length: 5cm

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 40 × 30 × 20 cm




Main Material

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