Replica Designer Bags Prada Saffiano Leather Mini-Bag Original price was: $2,600.00.Current price is: $240.00.Piece
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Replica Designer Bags Medium leather Fake Prada shoulder bag Original price was: $4,420.00.Current price is: $240.00.Piece

Replica Designer Bags Medium Fake Prada bag Galleria Saffiano leather bag

Production of the Fake Prada Galleria bag, composed of 83 pieces, is an authentic fusion between industrial precision and the refined accuracy of craftsmanship that can only be performed by hand. The design is clean and elegant yet innately pragmatic, an aesthetic language blending form and function that combines history and modernity. Originating the definition of “timeless”, the Galleria bag has become a hallmark of Fake Prada’s identity in the twenty-first century. The accessory, presented in the medium version, is made of iconic Saffiano, a calf leather patented by Mario Fake Prada that is resistant to scratches and water and defined by its crosshatch texture.

Original price was: $4,615.00.Current price is: $240.00.Piece

100 in stock

SKU: PRADA-1BA863_NZV_F0036_V_EOO Tags: , ,
Brand: PRADA
Items available:100


Medium Fake Prada bag Galleria Saffiano leather bag
Production of the Fake Prada Galleria bag, composed of 83 pieces, is an authentic fusion between industrial precision and the refined accuracy of craftsmanship that can only be performed by hand. The design is clean and elegant yet innately pragmatic, an aesthetic language blending form and function that combines history and modernity. Originating the definition of “timeless”, the Galleria bag has become a hallmark of Fake Prada’s identity in the twenty-first century. The accessory, presented in the medium version, is made of iconic Saffiano, a calf leather patented by Mario Fake Prada that is resistant to scratches and water and defined by its crosshatch texture.
Product code: 1BA863_NZV_F0036_V_EOO
Leather handles
Detachable, adjustable leather shoulder strap. Max. length: 120 cm – Min. length: 110 cm – Max. drop length: 60 cm – Min. drop length: 55 cm
Removable leather key ring
External zipper pockets
Metal hardware
Leather triangle with metal lettering logo on the front
Leather triangle with metal lettering logo on the front
Snap closure on the sides

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 40 × 30 × 20 cm




Main Material

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